My Baking Adventure

Hi! My name is Keri...or Ginger, or Lucy, or Red, but mostly just Keri. I bake and decorate an irresponsible amount of cookies. Cookies for Christmas. Cookies for Halloween. Cookies for my coworkers, friends and neighbors. Cookies for birthdays, weddings, showers, anniversaries. Cookies for the first day of school, cookies for the last day of school, cookies for any special occasion and my favorite reason: cookies for no particular reason at all. It really sounds cliche, but being able to brighten someone’s day with a special treat really does make me happy.

How did this all start you ask? Maybe you didn’t actually ask, but you’re still reading so I’m assuming there’s at least a smidgen of curiosity there, so I’ll go ahead and tell you anyway. Baking has been passed down through the generations by the matriarchs of the family. My Great-Grandmother to my Grandma to my Mom and then to me. They all taught me from an early age the art and craft of baking. On the other side of things was my father; a scientist by trade, he was the bread baker of the family. He approached baking as a scientist...sometimes a mad scientist, but a scientist none the less. He quite literally gave me science lessons on the microbiology of yeast, true story. I had an interesting childhood.

Fast forward to present day. My recent cookie escapades began as most escapades do, on the internet. I stumbled across a video of a cookie being decorated. It was mesmerizing. Soon I couldn’t rip myself away from the decorating magic that was taking place before my eyes. What kind of baking sorcery was this?! I needed to learn more. Well, long story longer, I immersed myself in everything that was cookie decorating. After hours (seriously, like days worth of hours) I decided to leap head-first into this cookie business. I decorated my first set in May 2019. As it turns out, all that internetting paid off; I was mysteriously good at it, and best of all, I absolutely loved it.

Since then I knew that this is what I wanted to do. Not many people wake up one morning and say to themselves “you know what? I’m going to be a cookier for a living”. But here I am. It doesn’t feel like work. It’s fun. It’s rewarding. It’s everything I need my career to be. I believe that pretty food shouldn’t just look pretty but also taste amazing. I am but a humble emergency worker by trade, who happens to love baking pretty and delicious things. And I would love to be able to help make your next special occasion, holiday, or just regular old any day, extra special with an extra special treat!

If you have any questions or would like to place an order, please don’t hesitate to get in touch! Contact me here and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have!

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